History of the Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture was established to coincide with the 17th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, on August 17, 1962 as the seventh faculty at Hasanuddin University, inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Dr. Ir. Toyib Hadiwijaya. In the first year, 75 students were accepted for the Department of Agricultural Engineering and the academic year 1963 opened the Department of Forestry. In the 1964-1965 school year, the Faculty of Agriculture was improved into three majors, namely Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Enterprises, Agricultural Extension and Forestry. The completion of the first batch of student studies was carried out through an affiliate process to the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Bogor (1967-1972). Through affiliation, the Faculty of Agriculture produced the first bachelor, Engelbert O.M in 1969. Furthermore, the Department of Fisheries was opened in the 1969 academic year. In the period 1972-1983 the Faculty of Agriculture underwent a name change to the faculty of agricultural sciences including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. Subsequently in 1983-1987 the Faculty of Agriculture changed the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The Faculty of Agriculture Unhas, which was established on August 17, 1962, has undergone several changes in the name of the faculty and changes in organizational structure. In 1977 the organizational structure of Hasanuddin University underwent a change from a pyramid structure to a matrix organizational structure. Unhas carried out a simplification of the number and type of faculties, so that the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry were merged into one faculty under the name of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

The new era of development of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Unhas began since the enactment of PP No. 5 of 1980 concerning the Principles of University / State Institute Organization, Presidential Decree No. 68 of 1982 concerning the Organizational Structure of Hasanuddin University. The government issued the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0154 / O / 1983 as an elaboration of PP No.5 of 1980, concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of Hasanuddin University. The ministry arranged for the change of the name of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences to two faculties, namely the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Departments and study programs have also undergone changes in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0563 / O / 1980 and the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 108 / DIKTI / Kep / 1984. In 1993, according to its development, the Faculty of Agriculture underwent a name change to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry based on the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0134 / O / 93 dated February 27, 1993.

Along with the development and dynamics in the world of higher education, there is always a change in the name of the faculty. It is noted that the name of the Faculty of Agriculture, which existed since 1962, changed its name in 1972 to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Then, in 1986 it changed again to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The Department of Forestry, which had been under the auspices of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, broke away into a separate Faculty, namely the Faculty of Forestry in 2007, and at that time the name of the faculty returned to the Faculty of Agriculture. So far, the Faculty of Agriculture has experienced 13 leadership changes. The names that have been Dean consecutively from 1962-2014 are as follows:

  1. Prof. Arnold Mononutu(Agricultural Sciences) – 1962-1964

  2. Ir. Zainuddin Daeng Maupa (Agricultural Science) – 1964-1966

  3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Fachrudin(Pests & Plant Diseases) – 1966-1969

  4. Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Muin Pabinru(Agronomy) – 1969-1972

  5. Ir. Mrs. S. S. Hartono, M.Sc(Horticulture) – 1972-1981

  6. Dr. Ir. Mas’ud Yunus, M.Sc(Forestry) – 1981-1986

  7. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Arifin Sallatang (Agricultural Socioeconomics) -1986-1989

  8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muslimin Mustafa, M.Sc(Land Science) – 1989-1995

  9. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambo Ala, MS (Agronomy) – 1995-2002

  10. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Syawal, M.Sc(Agricultural Socioeconomics) – 2002-2006

  11. Prof. Dr. Ir. Mursalim(Agricultural Technology) – 2006-2010

  12. Prof. Dr. Ir. Yunus Musa, M.Sc(Agronomy) – 2010-2014

  13. Prof. Dr. Ir. Steel Donation, M.Phil(Soil Science) – 2014-2018

  14. Prof. Dr. Sc. Agr. Ir. Baharuddin (Pests and Plant Diseases) 2018 – 2022