Agencies related to agriculture and food, both government and private agencies, and the food industry are the spearheads of creating good food security. In South Sulawesi in particular and Eastern Indonesia in general, by looking at the potential of natural resources, the opportunity to develop a food industry based on local potential is very large. To answer the challenges mentioned above, the development of science in the food sector is very urgent because problems around food must be solved by professionals and reliable in their fields. Based on these considerations, it is the main need to open a master’s program in Food Science and Technology at Hasanuddin University as the largest university in KTI. The Master Program in Food Science and Technology (S2 ITP), Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Unhas began to be established based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 1770 / D / T / 2009 dated October 5, 2009. The first batch of students was accepted in the first semester of the 2010/2011 academic year.
Making the S2 ITP study program as one of the leading educational centers in Indonesia, in the field of research and development of food science and technology based on maritime continent-based cultural values. The food in question includes plantation crops, food, horticulture, fishery products and animal husbandry. The elaboration of the meaning of maritime continent-based culture is as follows:
Graduates of the Master Program in Food Science and Technology are expected to:
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