Plant Pests and Diseases


Vision The Master Program in Pest and Plant Disease Science until 2020 is “To become the foremostmaster’sstudy programin the Indonesian Maritime Continent (BMI) that is
environmentally friendly based on biological resources to supportsustainableagriculture”.


Providing quality education programs in the field of pest and plant diseases that support sustainable agriculture

Developing Research Towards the “Center of Excellence” in the field of plant pests and diseases by utilizing environmentally friendly biological resources.

Organizing community service in the field of pests and plant diseases to improve community welfare for the benefit of the Indonesian maritime continent


  1. Producing graduates who excel in the field of pest and plant disease science,
  2. Developing innovations in the field of plant pests and diseases through cutting-edge research,
  3. Producing community service programs that become a reference for solving national agricultural problems towards globalization.


The targets of the Master of Plant Pest and Disease Study Program are:

  1. The study program has an A accreditation in 2019
  2. 95 percent of students graduate on time with an average GPA of 3.80
  3. 100 percent of graduates have a waiting time for work no later than three months.
  4. Obtaining one HaKI every one year.
  5. Student scientific publications of at least 75% in reputable international journals and as many as 25% at the national level
  6. 100 percent of lecturers who conduct research by involving master’s program students for their thesis research
  7. Average length of study 3 semesters
  8. The quantity and quality of lecturers’ research increases
  9. In 2024, the study program is certified by ASEAN University Network- Quality Assurance (AUN-QA).


The strategy of the Master of Plant Pest and Disease Study Program is: To achieve these goals, various strategies are needed. The Master’s Program (S2) in Pest and Plant Disease Science is divided into two categories, namely short-term strategies (2016-2020 period) and long-term strategies (2021-2025). In the short-term strategy, it is directed at the achievement of superior study programs with special characteristics. The long-term strategy is directed at achieving certification at the ASEAN regional level. In more detail, the strategies that will/are being carried out are as follows:

Short-Term Strategy, 2016-2020 (5 years of making the studiprogram superior and characterful);

  1. Curriculum revitalization.
  2. Evaluate the curriculum to see the following:
  • Compliance with level 8 of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) for applied master’s programs.
  • Following the needs of the user community for the development of Plant Science and Disease
  • Updating lecturer expertise or lecturer research focus
  • Information from alumni and leaders at the place where alumni work
  1. Curriculum improvement that is able to strengthen the special characteristics of the study program
  2. The improvement of the curriculum, especially teaching materials, is carried out every semester.
  3. Structuring the curriculum structure of the study program.
  4. Implementation of the evaluation process of teaching and learning activities every semester.
  5. SAP and GBRP upgrading.
  6. Improving the quality of highly competitive students.
  7. Promotion at the international level so as to be able to attract qualified international students.
  8. Implementation of comparative studies in the context ofbenchmarkingat institutions at the National and International levels.
  9. Curriculum improvements, especially teaching materials, are carried out at the end of each semester.
  10. Carry out the evaluation process of teaching and learning activities every semester.
  11. Improving the quality of highly competitive lecturers.
  12. Formation of team-teaching in lectures led by lecturers at least with S3 education. Through this team-teaching, it does not provide insight and experience in teaching and research, but the team-teaching coordinator is responsible for coaching a team of lecturers who are responsible for coaching lecturer research.
  13. Encouraging lecturers to take part in seminars, workshops, workshops, training at the National and International levels.
  14. Facilitating facilities and infrastructure for lecturers to conduct research.
  15. Facilitating lecturers to make scientific publications in the form of books, journals, and lecture modules as well as as resource persons in mass media (print and electronic).
  16. Facilitating lecturers to discuss curriculum upgrading plans in accordance with the development of research they carry out
  17. An increase in the number of qualified lecturers’ research.
  18. Encouraging lecturers to have IPR and make the IPR as one of the enrichment of material in lectures
  19. Development of facilities and infrastructure.
  20. Maintenance and development of facilities and infrastructure owned.
  21. Provision of facilities for the Pest and Plant Disease Science Laboratory
  22. Improving the professionalism of education personnel.
  23. Improving Qualifications by encouraging education personnel to study further.
  24. Competency Improvement by conducting or involving educational personnel in trainings that increase professionalism such as librarian training and computerization.
  25. Involving students in research and community service activities from lecturers

Long-Term Strategy, 2021-2025 (10 years towards AUN-QA Certification)

  1. Improving the quality of teaching lecturers who are internationally competitive
  2. Improving English skills for lecturers, both in formal courses and holding English Day
  3. Encouraging lecturers to regularly attend workshops / training in the field at the international level. For example, currently the development of science regarding Biotechnology and Data Analysis of Identification of a species is increasing rapidly.
  4. Expanding opportunities for two-way visiting professor programs
  5. Updating the curriculum that follows the development of science from year to year
  6. Teaching training by lecturers at the top rank university at the International level
  7. Development of domestic and foreign cooperation.
  8. Improvement of job descriptions and SOPs for the field of cooperation at the Study Program level.
  9. Increased cooperation with universities, government, industry, and other users of educational outcomes (stakeholders).
  10. Improvement of networking at the national and international levelsof students exchange, lecturers exchangetwinning programe, sandwich programeguest lecturers, joint research, joint publicationseminars, training program.
  11. Exploration of double-degree schemes with quality International campuses
  12. Improving the quality of internationally competitive students
  13. Supporting student participation in summer course activities at the international level
  14. Development of reasoning and leadership management training.
  15. Development of students’ interests and talents.
  16. Development and strengthening of student organizations.
  17. Achievement motivationtraining.
  18. Awarding the best publications from students

Teaching Staff Lecturers

No.Name of Permanent LecturerAcademic Degrees
1.Sylvia ShamProf. Dr. MS. Ir
2.Ade RosmanaProf.Dr.Ir.
4.Nurariaty AgusProf. Dr. MS. Ir
5.Itji Diana DavidProf. Dr. MS. Ir
6.Nur AminProf.Dr. Ir.
7.Andi NasruddinDr. M.Sc. Ir
8.Ahdin GassaDr.MSc. Ir.
9.MelinaDr. MP. Ir
10.Tutik KuswinantiProf.Dr. MSc. Ir.
11.Tamrin AbdullahDr. MS.  Ir.
12.Vien Sartika DewiDr. MS. Ir
13.Sri Nuraminah NgatiminDr.MS. SP