The Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK) of Ormawa Mahatani Unhas succeeded in the first harvest of the Gravity Drip Fertigation Based Horticultural Production System (SIPRODIV) program. In collaboration with partners from Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Kerabat in Tamalanrea Indah Subdistrict, this activity is aimed at increasing the efficiency of water and nutrient use in plant cultivation, Tuesday (30/7).
The PKK Ormawa UKM Mahatani Unhas Team introduced and accompanied KWT Kerabat in its implementation. They help from planning, system installation, to plant maintenance and will continue to monitor during the plant’s growth period.
Muhammad Fachri Rama Dwi Astrada, as Chair of the Implementation Team, delivered an activity report to the participants. He explained about the Ormawa Mahatani Unhas PPK program, namely to provide community service through implementation of smart farming Gravity Drip Fertigation system.
Ormawa Mahatani PPK Assistant Lecturer, Dr. Rahmansyah Dermawan, S.P., M.Si., explained that this program was the result of intensive collaboration between students, academics and the community and stated that, “The system implemented is not the most sophisticated. However, this program can at least be a first step for the Village Tamalanrea Indah to apply modern agricultural technology to support sustainable agricultural activities,” he explained.
Dr. Ir. Mahyudin, M.Si, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, in his speech emphasized the importance of innovation in modern agriculture. “SIPRODIV is a real example of how technology can be integrated into traditional agricultural practices to produce better results. Through this program it can be seen how serious Mahatani’s members are in bringing achievements and benefits, now Mahatani’s task is how to shape marketing so that the subsystem that is formed is complete from upstream to downstream,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Suhasman, S.Hut., M.Si, Head of the Unhas Student Achievement and Talent Development Sub-directorate, appreciated the students’ initiative in developing practical solutions to agricultural challenges. He said that PPK Ormawa is a program that aims to encourage students to learn to solve problems in villages through innovative ideas so that they can support village progress.
The Tamalanrea Indah Subdistrict, represented by Village Secretary Asliah Kamal S.E, welcomed this program and saw it as a positive step in empowering local communities. “I still remember at the beginning when the Mahatani members were full of confidence and enthusiasm in consulting with the sub-district officer regarding the implementation of the program in Tamalanrea Indah sub-district, and now it has been proven and the results can be seen,” she said.
The activity continued with the main event, namely the first harvest. Three types of vegetables were harvested in this first harvest. Pakcoy (25 HST/Day after Planting), Kale (22 HST), and Spinach (22 HST). These three vegetables show optimal growth and good quality, proving the effectiveness of the SIPRODIV system in increasing the productivity of horticultural crops. The success of this first harvest shows the great potential of SIPRODIV which not only brings direct benefits to partner farmers, but also serves as a pilot model that can be applied in other areas with similar conditions.
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