The Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, together with the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) entitled “Empirical Research in the Context of Preparing an Academic Paper for the Draft Law Concerning Amendments to Law Number 41 of 2009 concerning Protection of Sustainable Food Farming Land.” The activity was carried out on the 2nd floor of the Faperta Assembly Room starting at 9.00 WITA until finished (6/2).
The activity began with remarks from the Dean of Faperta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc who expressed his gratitude for again involving Faperta Unhas in this important event . He said that the previous activity discussed food security so it would be very appropriate to continue by discussing the protection of sustainable food agricultural land.
“These are two things that are closely related, so in our opinion, by carrying out these two activities, hopefully we can produce the results we want to achieve together,” said Prof. Salengke.
Representative of the Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (LP2B) expert team, Dr. Umar Mansyur, M.T revealed that the choice of Unhas as the forum for the FGD was carried out considering the large potential of land that could be utilized in South Sulawesi. He said that to prevent the decline in agricultural land, continuous cooperation with universities is needed.
“The latest data for 2019 shows that approximately 150 ha of rice fields have been converted into other uses. On the other hand, the number of farmers is also decreasing,” he explained.
Umar also added that not all regions in Indonesia have LP2B, which means that land with agricultural potential has not been utilized evenly or there is a lack of knowledge about this. Therefore, it is hoped that this discussion forum can provide new formulations as material for revision and input into future bills.
The activity continued with the presentation of material by resource persons representing Unhas academics. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hatta Jamil, SP., M.Si, academic at the Faculty of Agriculture, discussed “UU No. 41 of 2009 concerning PLP2B: Agricultural Development Perspective,” Dr. Eng. Ir. Abdul Rachman Rasyid, ST., M.Si, an academic at the Faculty of Engineering, discussed “PLP2B from a (R)Money Governance Perspective,” and Dr. Kahar Lahae, S.H., M.Hum, an academic at the Faculty of Law, discussed “Law No. 41 of 2009 concerning Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land.”
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