Welcoming 2023 New Students, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture: Technology in Agriculture Runs Parallel with Technology in Other Fields

Hasanuddin University’s Faculty of Agriculture welcomed 947 new students in the Faculty-level Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB). Activities are centered on the 1st floor of the Faperta Hall and several other locations within the Faperta scope (GB floors 1 and 2, LT 6, and STP) which are connected via zoom meeting (15/8).

Prof. Dr. Ir. Salangke, M.Sc as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas gave a speech and opened the event. In his remarks, Prof. Salangke revealed that the Faculty of Agriculture is one of the major faculties at Unhas with 130 lecturers. He added that the largest patent produced by Unhas was mostly contributed by the Faculty of Agriculture.

“The highest program for research now is called Kedaireka. Kedaireka is a program that transmits research results from lecturers. Of the 16 faculties, if I’m not mistaken, agriculture contributes 27% to Kedaireka,” explained Prof. Salengke. 

Even though many agricultural programs have been carried out, according to him there are sad facts in the world that must be paid attention to in the agricultural sector. The latest data shows that as many as 44 countries are still experiencing serious hunger problems and 15% of Indonesia’s population is also still in a state of hunger. This shows that big challenges are still being faced, especially in preparing enough food for the world’s population, not only in Indonesia.

Prof. Salengke explained the challenges of global agriculture in the 21st century. First, the world’s population is expected to continue to increase to 9.47 billion in 2045. Second, a decrease in natural resources caused by a decrease in the area and quality of agricultural land and a lack of water supply for agriculture. Third, global warming and climate change are causing an increase in temperature of around 1.06º.

Facing these challenges, Prof. Salengke further revealed that an increase in food production is needed by 70%, an increase in grain by up to 43% and an increase in meat production by around 75%. According to him, increased production is possible with the method of greenhouse to produce food products even without a large area of ​​land. 

“Technology in agriculture runs in parallel with technology in other fields. Even though the challenge was very big, our optimism is still very high to be able to answer it with the existence of increasingly advanced agricultural technology,” he said.

The activity continued with the narrative of Deputy Dean I (Dr.rer.nat. Zainal, S.TP., M.Food.Tech), Deputy Dean II (Dr. Ir. Rismaneswati, S.P., M.P), Deputy Dean III (Dr. Ir Mahyuddin, M.Sc), and Chair of the Quality Assurance Group (GPM) Faperta Unhas (Dr. Ir. Rahmadanih, M.Sc) regarding the duties and authorities carried out so that new students understand related positions. Dr. Ir. Asmiati Sahur of the POKJA Balance Unhas team also presented material related to Balance and the purpose of following it. As for Ir. Syamsul Arifin Lias, M.Si explained about the Orderliness of Campus Life. The end of the event was filled with an introduction to the BEM Faculty and Student Activities at the faculty level.