Selection of Outstanding Students in 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University

Selecting the 2023 Most Outstanding Students (Mawapres) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, as many as 9 finalists (Achmad Kautsar, Fahmi Alfarabi, Rafiqa Amalina Putri, Aliyah Khairunnisa, Haikal Akbar, Irham Rasyid, Dedi, Sartika Julia Anugrah, and Nurhidayah) took part in the final selection Mawapres determination. Held on the 2nd floor of the Faperta Assembly Room starting at 08.00 WITA until finished, Sunday (26/2/2023).

Starting the activity, Deputy Dean I, Dr.rer.nat. Zainal, STP., M.FoodTech expressed pride for the students who participated until the final stage. He said that up to that stage is already a very good achievement. 

“Whatever the result will be, I hope that all of you will not be discouraged and will continue to develop the potential that you currently have,” he said.

Opening the event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc appealed to students to continue to take part in competitions both on and off campus. He explained that these activities would help students in developing soft skills in communicating and build concern for the environment. 

“Not because you have participated in this Mawapres so that you feel enough, but make this event as the start to take part in other higher-level events,” explained Prof. Salengke.

The activity continued with the presentation of subject/idea by each Mawapres participant. The participants were given a time limit to submit the material in a form PowerPoint. Furthermore, a discussion and question and answer session between the jury and the participants as part of the assessment.

The selection process for the Mawapres finalists lasted until the afternoon with three names being named winners. Achmad Kautsar Baharuddin with the highest score was the first winner, followed by Fahmi Alfarabi as the second winner, and Haikal Akbar as the third winner of Mawapres Faculty of Agriculture in 2023.

Decisions are made by considering assessments based on scientific work/achievement, GPA, international language skills (English), presentation/communicative skills, and interview results. Present as a jury on this occasion included Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Ir. Tutik Kuswinanti, M.Sc, Dr. Ir. Andi Hasizah, M.Si, and Pipi Diansari, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. The selected Mawapres will take part in the advanced Mawapres selection at the university level.