PT. Comextra Majora Makes a Visit to the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas, Discusses Collaboration Opportunities

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc officially welcomed the visit of PT. Comextra Majora in order to introduce the company profile and production results. The meeting also discussed opportunities for cooperation between the company and Faperta Unhas. The meeting started at 12.000 WITA until it finished on the 2nd floor of the Faperta Assembly Room, Tuesday (21/2/2023).

James as Project Manager from PT. Comextra Majora expressed his gratitude for Faperta Unhas’s willingness to accept the visit of the company which had been established since 1988. James said that PT. Comextra Majora has international certification so that product marketing is carried out by export and locally.

“We have branch offices in several regions in Indonesia so I believe that when the internship takes place, Unhas Agriculture can conduct field surveys,” he said.

Prof. Salengke responded positively to this. According to him, working with multinational companies such as PT. Comextra Majora can have a good impact on Faperta Unhas.

“Regarding internships, not many of our students have done internships at large agencies like Majora, so we are really looking forward to this opportunity,” he explained.

In addition, several other possible collaboration opportunities were discussed, such as the use of the Unhas Faperta laboratory and the recruitment of graduates from the Unhas Faculty of Agriculture. Opportunities for collaboration in the field of collaborative study research between the two agencies were also considered at the meeting.