Kick-Off Dies Natalis Universitas Hasanuddin ke-66 dengan tema “Working Together for UNHAS Excellence” kembali diadakan di lantai dasar Gedung Rektorat Universitas Hasanuddin, mulai pukul 13.00 WITA hingga selesai, Senin, (8/8/2022).
Kegiatan yang mengusung slogan “UNHASku BERSATU UNHASku KUAT” tersebut turut dihadiri Rektor Unhas (Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc) beserta jajarannya, Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc., selaku Ketua Panitia Dies Natalis ke-66, mitra-mitra kerjasama, serta segenap sivitas akademika Universitas Hasanuddin.
Mengawali kegiatan, Dekan Faperta memberikan sambutan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada tamu undangan yang telah hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menjelaskan bahwa Fakultas Pertanian dan Fakultas Keperawatan berkolaborasi sebagai panitia pelaksanaan Dies Natalis tahun ini dan telah melakukan berbagai persiapan intensif sejak bulan Juni.
“Panitia telah menyusun seksi-seksi untuk menangani setiap kegiatan dan InshaAllah setelah acara launching ini, semua panitia akan bergerak secara seragam untuk melaksanakan setiap program, setiap kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan,” jelas Prof. Salengke.
Yudisium and Graduation Gathering for the period III Phase 1 February 2023, Faculty of Agriculture Unhas took place solemnly. Located on the 1st floor of the Faperta Hall, the activity which started at 13.30 WITA was attended by prospective graduates and their parents/guardians, Tuesday (7/2/2023).
The activity begin with the reading of the minutes by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc. Next, the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs read out the names of the graduates, Dr. rer. nat. Zainal, STP., M.FoodTech as well as reading the names and awarding plaques to the best graduates by the Deputy Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation, Dr. Ir. Mahyuddin, M.Sc.
On the same occasion, the Dean of Faperta Unhas delivered his remarks. He said that this was an important moment for prospective graduates. For him, the most important thing is the education and skills he has acquired while studying at Unhas.
Furt hermore he said, the branding of Unhas as the best University in South Sulawesi shows the quality of its graduates. However, he did not deny that after graduates, one might have to go through failure and bitterness.
“You all need to remember that every bitterness and failure will bring goodness. Success and failure are not two sides of a coin, but failure is a stepping stone. We’re on the road to success,” he said.
At the end of his speech, Prof. Salengke appealed to all prospective graduates not to look down on the hard work they have gone through. He issued a challenge to value education and apply it wherever the graduates will be.
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