Hasanuddin University Faculty of Agriculture Facilitates Management Trainee Program Recruitment by PT. Triputra Agro Persada Tbk

Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University facilitated the process of recruiting workers by the palm oil company PT. Triputra Agro Persada Tbk. Participated by more than 200 participants, the recruitment, which is intended for alumni with undergraduate degrees from various majors, will last for three days.

The first day’s activities took place on the 1st floor of the Unhas Faperta Hall as a form of introduction to the work system and work facilities of recruiting companies. The plan for participant selection will be carried out on the second and third days with a maximum of 50 participants who pass the recruitment, Wednesday (23/11/2022).

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unhas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc expressed his gratitude and thank to the company for choosing Unhas as a partner to find prospective employees.

“We are very grateful that today we were entrusted to be the house in recruiting prospective employees in this company engaged in the palm oil sector,” he said.

Prof. Salengke told the participants not to be afraid if they were placed outside Sulawesi Island. He also appealed to participants to take advantage of opportunities to support careers as best as possible, moreover the use of oil palm will never die because its products are part of the staple ingredients in the Indonesian people’s kitchen.

On the same occasion, Handoko Gidion Immanuel, SE., M.Sc., CPC., CHRP as Deputy Director of HC PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk gave motivation to participants not to hesitate in participating in the selection. Handoko said that he would not be where he is now if he did not try new things outside of his educational background, which was an economics graduate.  

“I want to tell my friends that we must try to make decisions to get out of our comfort zone. If I didn’t take this opportunity at that time, maybe I wouldn’t be like this now,” said Handoko.