Handover of the Positions of Chairperson and Secretary of the Senate for the 2018-2022 Period, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University

Handover of the Positions of Chairman and Secretary of the Senate for the 2018-2022 period, The handover process was carried out on the 2nd floor of the Assembly Room of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Monday (31/10/2022).

Handover of positions by Prof. Dr. Ir. Hazairin Zubair, MS as the Head of the Faperta Senate for the 2018-2022 period to Prof. Dr. Ir. Itji Diana Daud, MS as the Acting Head of the Faperta Senate for the 2022-2026 period, as well as the handover of positions by Prof. Dr. Ir. Meta Mahendradatta as Secretary of the Faperta Senate for the 2018-2022 period to Prof. Dr. Ir. Muh. Farid BDR, MP as Secretary of Faperta for the 2022-2026 period.

Prof. Hazairin thanked the members of the senate who always fully supported him while he was chairman of the senate. He also appreciated the members of the senate who actively participated even though during his tenure the Covid-19 outbreak hit which hampered many work programs.

“Brilliant ideas always emerge when we hold discussions in senate meetings so that our tasks can be completed in a very family-friendly way. Me and Prof. Meta apologize profusely if during carrying out the tasks, there was offense between the members and mistakes which of course were unintentional,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Itji also had the opportunity to deliver a short speech as Chairman of the Senate for the new period. She explained that the function of the faculty senate is to establish faculty normative policies, provide considerations, and carry out supervision. She invited all members of the faculty senate to jointly carry out their duties and authorities according to the mandate.

“All members of the faculty senate will be divided into appropriate fields, namely academic and student affairs, planning, development and finance, human resources and alumni, information systems, partnerships and innovation,” she continued.

Ending the activity, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc congratulated the chairperson and secretary of the senate for completing their term of office well and congratulations to the new chairman and secretary of the senate who will begin to continue their duties.

“Currently we are compiling programs for 2023, I think we can later consult with the chairperson and secretary of the senate, then before the end of the year we will present to members of the senate the 2023 program plans.”