Series of 66th Hasanuddin University Anniversary, Faculty of Agriculture Initiatives of the Leisurely Walking Movement and Scientific Exhibitions

In the framework of the 66th Anniversary of Hasanuddin University, the Faculty of Agriculture as the core committee of this year’s Dies Natalis initiated the implementation of a leisurely walk and scientific exhibition as a meeting place for alumni, partnerships, and the entire academic community of Unhas and invited guests on Sunday, September 4, 2022.

The activity started at 6.30 WITA by taking thestartandfinishpoints at the Basketball Court of the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus, followed by scientific exhibitions from various faculties and Unhas partnerships, located behind the GOR JK Arenatorium Unhas.

Rector of Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc views the leisurely walking activity as a momentum to stay in touch between Unhas citizens and alumni. He hopes that “UNHASku bersatu” which is part of the tagline of the 66th Anniversary is not only inscribed on the poster but so that it can echo everywhere.

Prof. Jamaluddin also reminded that the peak night of the Dies Natalis will be held on the 10th of the evening, which in the morning will be held a grand meeting for all Unhas academics and invited guests.

On the same occasion, the rector, who is often called Prof. JJ, introduced the fund allocation program managed by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) which later became known as the Hasanuddin University Endowment Fund. The Unhas endowment fund can be a forum for donations for the academic community and Unhas alumni for the benefit of the campus.

“Why is this important? Because the government in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture of Research and Technology together with the ministry of finance has melaunching the so-called state university endowment fund and it is only given to PTNBH including Hasanuddin University. It’s just that the minister will give a certain amount of endowment to each college depending on how much the college’s endowment is,” he added.

The Mayor of Makassar, Ir. H. Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto, who had the opportunity to attend the activity, expressed his pride in Unhas which was included in the ranks of the top 10 best universities in Indonesia. For him, Unhas alumni are not inferior to other best campus alumni so he hopes that Unhas will be able to contribute to the development of Makassar City and Indonesia.

“Makassar is always ready to accommodate whatever thoughts are produced by Hasanuddin University. We hope that important issues in society today can be resolved with the help of Hasanuddin University. Many Makassar City programs require various advice from various fields of knowledge that I hope can be obtained from the academic community and educated alumni of Unhas,” said the mayor before closing his remarks.

On the same occasion, Dr. Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, M.P as the chairman of the Unhas Alumni Family Association (IKA) expressed his gratitude to the general chairman and the Dies Natalis committee for organizing a leisurely walk as a medium for alumni to provide material and morel assistance for the Unhas campus.

“Our alumni have more than 200,000 spread throughout Indonesia and already have as many as 5 IKA offices in Makassar so that both alumni and active students of Unhas who want to express opinions regarding the sustainability of the alumni association can come directly to the office,” said Amran.

The activity ended with the distribution of door prizes in the form of household appliances and motorcycle grand prizes to the lottery winners provided by various partnerships and alumni of Hasanuddin University.