Selection of Candidates for Members of the Academic Senate of Deputy Faculty for the Period 2022-2026

The Senate of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University in the senate meeting held on September 1, 2022 in the Faperta assembly room on the 2nd floor discussed 3 main agendas, namely (1) Socialization of the strengthening of the selection process for candidates for the academic senate members of Hasanuddin University for the 2022-2026 period, (2) Selection of candidates for members of the academic senate of deputy faculties, and (3) Consideration of transferring the management of agrotechnology study programs to the agronomy department.

The number of participants who attended exceeded expectations, with 48 participants from 48 invitation lists or 100% of senate members present at the meeting. The meeting also discussed a new agenda related to the proposal of the S1 study program, the Agricultural Development study of the Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics.

Senate meetings run conducively and democratically from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Of the 8 names nominated, 4 came out as candidates for the academic senate of deputy faculties, including: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitti Bulqis, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Rusnadi Padjung, M.Sc; Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Munir, MS; and Prof. Dr. Ir. Mursalim, IPU

Elected members are required to meet the completeness of the previously attached documents as a requirement to become a member of the SA. Completeness of the file is received no later than September 12, 2022.