Welcoming New Students, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Presents Inspirational Figures

The Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University welcomes new students in the faculty-level Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activity with representatives of 30 students each from each study program. Held offline at the Faperta Hall on the 1st floor on Thursday (18/8/2022).

Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unhas gave a speech as well as opened the event. In his remarks, Prof. Salengke urged students not to waste their time while studying later, especially in the next 4 years. According to him, by not making the best use of 4 years of study time, students will not reach the maximum potential of students in the next 10 to 20 years.

Referring to this, Prof. Salengke did not forget to introduce the Basic Learning Skills Character and Creativity (BALANCE) program as part of introducing the basic abilities of new students.

“Basically, you will be accompanied to be able to develop your skills, character, and creativity so that you can become a productive student, a successful student, an outstanding student,” said Prof. Salengke.

The event continued with the narration of the Deputy Dean I (Dr. rer. Nat. Zainal, S.TP., M.Food.Tech), Deputy Dean II (Dr. Ir. Rismaneswati, S.P., M.P), Deputy Dean III (Dr. Ir. Mahyuddin, M.Sc), and Head of the Quality Assurance Group (GPM) Faperta Unhas (Dr. Ir. Rahmadanih, M.Si) about the duties and authorities carried out so that new students understand related positions.

Dr. Zainal explained that his duties and authorities have a lot to do with academic activities and students will certainly struggle with academic activities while on campus. Nevertheless, Dr Zainal expressed concern for millennials today coexisting with gadgets and facilitating the ease of the internet. He reminded students to focus on education not to be distracted by gadgets.

“You just have to be careful, by using gadgets like this, don’t let you spend more time looking for other information that doesn’t have much to do with academics,” he added.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mahyuddin as WD III explained that his team is tasked with formulating programs related to student affairs, alumni, and cooperation at the faculty level. Every year, the WD III team makes reports related to student activities to the dean as well as various forms of partnerships.

Furthermore, Dr Rahmadanih introduced the GPM work system which for new students may sound unfamiliar. He revealed that a thing is considered quality when comparing it with applicable standards. He further explained, “The quality assurance group itself is an element of the faculty or school that plans, implements, controls, and develops an academic quality assurance system in the faculty or school.”

Dr. Rismaneswati as WD II gave an overview of her duties. The task of WD II is related to 3 main parts, namely planning, financial management, and resources. “We are focused on budget allocation. Every year the faculty of agriculture gets a budget allocation from the university to be used in providing learning facilities and infrastructure as well as basic facilities and infrastructure,” he said.

The measure of university success is measured by how it can achieve key performance indicators (ICUs). IKU is set to have 8 measuring indicators and the achievement of these 8 measurements which makes Unhas in the 4th position as the best university in Indonesia. He also works closely with the team in supporting and facilitating seminars, workshops, and trainings. What is meant by resources is how to make the campus able to increase the capacity of lecturers and students.